Making Healthy Choices with a Mediterranean Diet

Daniel Duic, cofounder and CEO of mindSCOPE Staffing & Recruiting Software, has worked to develop software products and expand international business operations for over two decades. A hobby cyclist and a regular participant in the Terry Fox Run, Daniel Duic enjoys supplementing a healthy lifestyle with different cuisines.

Sicilian fare often provokes images of large feasts, assorted pastas, and cannoli. But, in moderation, a classic Mediterranean diet has historically been associated with various long-term health benefits. In the 1960s, it was discovered that Italy had one of the lowest rates of chronic disease in the world, as well as one of the longest life expectancies. As the largest island in the Mediterranean, Sicily is home to an array of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and seafood dishes. By prioritizing olive oil and monounsaturated fats (from nuts) as primary fat sources, and by limiting the consumption of red meat and dairy products, a traditional Sicilian diet in combination with a regular exercise routine can have a profound impact on health. Among its advantages are a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Non-refined whole-grain pastas such as cuscusu (couscous) or quinoa make up the foundation of the “ideal” Mediterranean diet, while fish entrées provide a healthy source of proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids.

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